Things To Help You Avoid AC Repairs And Service: Explained
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3 Things To Help You Avoid Air Conditioning Repairs And Service

With the spring season in full effect in most areas of the country, many people have already begun the switch from winter-time conditions and furnace repairs to summer preparations. Depending on where you live, you never know when the first brutally hot day will strike so it’s best to be ready well ahead of time to avoid costly and time-consuming air conditioning repairs later on.

For quality air conditioning repair, it’s usually best to let professionals, like us, handle it. suggests having professionals maintenance at least twice a year, but there are a couple of things you can do to help prevent and prolong the life and longevity of your units.

Here are some tips for anyone preparing for the upcoming summer season.

Regularly Replace Filters: This is probably the number one thing you can do as a non-professional to enhance your unit and avoid air conditioning repairs. Most units suggest replacing the filters once every one to three months, according to

The most important thing is not necessarily exact timing, but consistency and adjusting to your personal use. If you don’t use it often, chances are you can get away with waiting a couple of months. On the other hand, if a hot streak causes you to rely heavily on your AC for comfort, it might be wise to think about a replacement after just a month.

Coolant Lines and Insulation: Depending on the size and type of air conditioner you’re using, it might have refrigerant tubes and/or coolant lines. If your unit does, these tubes and lines should be covered with insulation to prevent the loss and waste of energy. Checking and replacing this damaged material can save you a lot when it comes to your energy bill when you consider air conditioners use about five percent of all electricity in the United States.

Invest and Upgrade: Finally, if air conditioning repair is something you’re desperately trying to avoid, it might be worth it to invest in a brand new unit before/when that time comes. In addition to taking other actions to keep your home cool, switching to high-efficiency air conditioners can help reduce energy use for air conditioning by 20 to 50%. With the way technology continues to advance, there are constantly new units that are more energy and environmentally friendly being made every day.

Air conditioners are one of the luxuries you don’t tend to think much about until you don’t have it on a hot, humid day. Keep these tips in mind before that happens and you’ll make your life a bit less sweaty.

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