Reasons To Invest In Professional HVAC Maintenance
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3 Reasons to Invest in Professional Maintenance for Your Cooling System Before the Summer

Most of the country experienced rather mild winters this year, but it still doesn’t change the fact that many people are likely excited at the prospect of the summer season being right around the corner. The summer can be a great time for fun, relaxation, and spending time with the ones you love. Unfortunately, it can also be a sweltering sauna of sweat and unforgiving heat.

That’s where having a quality air conditioning cooling unit comes in handy. Enjoying the warm summer sun can be great, but sometimes, it’s best to hide out on a scorching day in the cooling confines of your own abode. The last thing you want is for something to go wrong when you go to turn on your cooling unit for the first time. That’s why professional air conditioning maintenance and cooling repair is so important.

Approximately two-thirds of all U.S. homes have an air conditioner of some kind. If you’re one of them, here are three reasons to give our professionals a call today to service it before the summer kicks off.

Efficiency and Reliability:

Depending on how you use it, the filters on your home HVAC systems, including AC units, likely need to be changed either once a month or once every three months, according to Switching to a newer, high-efficiency model altogether is a great way to save money in the long run, but if that’s not an option proper maintenance can help make the one you do have run more efficiently too. Air conditioners already use about 5% of all electricity produced in the U.S. as it is. No need to make it any worse.

Peak Season Could Be Too Late:

As Yankee great Yogi Berra once said, “It gets late early out there.” With the summer weather quickly approaching our cooling professionals are scheduling more and more appointments every day. If you wait too long to make the call you might end up with a much longer wait then you want/anticipate.

Peace of Mind:

You never know what potential problems or maintenance issues could be lurking just below the surface of your HVAC units. That’s why also recommends having your systems checked at least twice a year, before summer and winter. You never know what they’ll find and the earlier professionals detect it, the better chance you have of preventing a serious problem.

Don’t wait. Contact our professionals at Hager Fox today and start your summer off right.

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